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 author > Birthdays > march_11

Birthdays occurring on March, 11

1544 Torquato Tasso was born on March 11, 1544
Grave was the man in years, in looks, in word, his locks were grey, yet was his courage green.
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1731 Robert Treat Paine was born on March 11, 1731
And ne'er shall the sons of Columbia be slaves, While the earth bears a plant or the sea rolls its waves
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Robert Treat Paine quotes

1890 Vannevar Bush was born on March 11, 1890
American engineer, pioneer designer of analog computers, 1890-1974
Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.
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Vannevar Bush quotes

1903 Lawrence Welk was born on March 11, 1903
American bandleader, 1903-1992
There are good days and there are bad days, and this is one of them.
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Lawrence Welk quotes

1916 Harold Wilson was born on March 11, 1916
British politician and prime minister. 1916-1995
Everybody should have an equal chance -- but they shouldn't have a flying start.
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Harold Wilson quotes

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Deaths occurring on March, 11

1971 Whitney M. Young, Jr. died on March 11, 1971
American social reformer, 1921-1971
Our ability to create has outreached our ability to use wisely the products of our invention.
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Whitney M. Young, Jr. quotes

1989 John J. McCloy died on March 11, 1989
I found you could raise your voice and talk out loud in the world.
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