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Birthdays occurring on July, 21

1885 Frances Parkinson Keyes was born on July 21, 1885
Folks with their wits about them knew that advertisements were just a pack of lies - you had only to look at the claims of patent medicines!
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Frances Parkinson Keyes quotes

1899 Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899
American novelist and short-story writer, Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, 1899-1961
The shortest answer is doing the thing.
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Ernest Hemingway quotes

1911 Marshall McLuhan was born on July 21, 1911
Canadian communications theorist educator, writer and social reformer, 1911-1980
Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image, because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be.
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Marshall McLuhan quotes

1920 Isaac Stern was born on July 21, 1920
Music is like making love: either all or nothing.
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Isaac Stern quotes

1921 Arthur Marx was born on July 21, 1921
(My father) he would be surprised to know he was still popular today, ... He told me, when he was quitting the Marx Brothers, (that) their kind of comedy was old-fashioned.
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Deaths occurring on July, 21

1796 Robert Burns died on July 21, 1796
Scottish national poet of Scotland, who wrote lyrics and songs in the Scottish dialect of English. 1759-1796
Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion
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Robert Burns quotes

1899 Robert Green Ingersoll died on July 21, 1899
American statesman and orator, noted for his broad range of culture and his defense of atheism. 1833-1899
Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.
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Robert Green Ingersoll quotes

1923 Percy Williams died on July 21, 1923
We never got our head clear from the first storm. Right now, we're just three weeks into the apartment here, and now we've got to root ourselves up and travel down the highway again to run from another one.
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1928 Ellen Terry died on July 21, 1928
Imagination! Imagination! I put it first years ago, when I was asked what qualities I thought necessary for success on the stage
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1938 Owen Wister died on July 21, 1938
When you can't have what you choose, you just choose what you have.
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