Charles F. Kettering quotes (American engineer, inventor of the electric starter, 1876-1958)
Elliott Larson quotes
Frederick Perls quotes (German born American psychiatrist, 1893-1970)
A. A. Milne quotes (English Humorist, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, 1882-1956)
Fritz Perls quotes (German Psychoanalyst, developed and popularized Gestalt therapy, 1893-1970)
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)
Henry David Thoreau quotes (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)
Eli Khamarov quotes
Confucius quotes (China's most famous teacher, philosopher, and political theorist, 551-479 BC)
Ralph Marston quotes