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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Today's consumer has access to numerous video sources, including over-the-air broadcasts, cable and satellite, camcorders, DVDs and the Internet. Our technology gives consumers greater flexibility and control over their content -- enabling them to quickly burn content to DVD, store it on hard drives or send it to another display device -- without being overwhelmed by the complexity of the underlying processes. Our manufacturing partners are committed to making video management easier, and we're very excited to show how our technology is making that possible.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Today's consumer has access to numerous video sources, including over-the-air broadcasts, cable and satellite, camcorders, DVDs and the Internet. Our technology gives consumers greater flexibility and control over their content.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Today's consumer has access to numerous video sources, including over-the-air broadcasts, cable and satellite, camcorders, DVDs and the Internet. Our technology gives consumers greater flexibility and control over their content -- enabling them to quickly burn content to DVD, store it on hard drives or send it to another display device -- without being overwhelmed by the complexity of the underlying processes.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“We are showcasing some of the market's most advanced products for the capture and distribution of video content. Through our working relationship with Sony, consumers are gaining new ways to enjoy video content and a greater geographic range from which they can access it.”

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