“The mayor is very strong on the fact that you handle the remains with dignity and respect, especially considering the celebration of life that we have in New Orleans.”
“This is somewhat of an honor system. We are asking people to stay in those ZIP codes and be conscious of the fact that other areas of the city are not ready for re-entry.”
“There will be a complete reassessment - what worked, what didn't - because we will have moved an entire population back in. If it all looks good, we'll probably continue as planned, but we just don't know what these reports will show.”
“It's something we're very excited about. It's something the mayor has been pushing for, because the Sewerage & Water Board testing was showing good signs, but we needed the regulatory agency to sign off on it. We hope it makes it easier for citizens in New Orleans to live in their own homes, for those who still have homes.”
“We were asking for provisions, but we didn't have provisions. But we knew with the number of people walking the streets in the city that we clearly had to provide shelter.”