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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Youth innovation is the second step in which we must cultivate a culture of innovation and risk taking among our youth. This requires us as employers, educators, and mentors to reward risk taking by not punishing individuals for failures. In fact we must celebrate failure as a necessary component of the creative process.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“In this gathering we laid the groundwork for historic advancement among emerging nations, not only by charting the course that will enable them to prosper, but by winning the commitment of business and government leaders to make the changes necessary to facilitate the success of entrepreneurs and build a culture of innovation. The next step, which we will announce soon, will be a partnership between a Fortune 100 corporation and one of the world's most populated Third World countries to test pilot what we have learned at this Summit.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Emerging countries, such as Oman, can learn so much from the United States. To improve the quality of life of their citizens, these countries must embrace the core business principles that enable companies and individuals to be creative, resourceful and entrepreneurial.”

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