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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There are some really strong indicators that salespeople are working on more opportunities and ones that are larger in size than last quarter. Whether this is due to the efforts of the sales organization or simply a function of the time of year when budgets are released remains to be seen. It is safe to say that all companies should be focused on expanding their pipelines and their prospect base in order to maintain growth throughout the year.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Although it is always somewhat positive to see the Sales Confidence Index trending upward, it is of some concern that salespeople do not feel that there has been any improvement in the last quarter in terms of the quantity or the quality of the leads. When this is coupled with the fact that there is less confidence among the sales force that they will improve their sales in the next 90 days, it brings into question how confident they are in sustaining momentum throughout the year.”

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