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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Right now, retail brokerage and assets under management are up; so are M&A and insurance activity. However, there are some significant issues that need to be addressed for financial services companies to ensure long-term health and, in some cases, survival.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“There has been a rash of acquisitions in the financial services industry to create growth, but all companies are facing the reality of having to create organic and sustainable growth the old-fashioned way-by finding new revenue sources and attracting new customers. And these firms have to figure out how to do this in the midst of brutally competitive markets, at home, abroad and globally.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“The business of finance is changing from being a largely transactional and opaque business to being a relationship-oriented, transparent partner to clients and customers [business]. Savvy marketers will help finance firms forge stronger, more meaningful relationships with their customers and help them further differentiate themselves to prospects.”

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