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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteSome editors are failed writers, but so are most writers.

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteIf I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteWhat loneliness is more lonely than distrust?

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

Similar Quotes. About: Trust quotes, Loneliness quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteTruth has rough flavours if we bite it through.

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThis is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
The Hollow Men

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteHuman kind cannot bear much reality.

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

Similar Quotes. About: Humanity quotes.
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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteYou are the music while the music lasts.

 T.S. Eliot quotes (American born English Editor, Playwright, Poet and Critic, 1888-1965)

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quoteThe true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

 Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

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